

DiscipleshipThe discipleship ministry at Abiding love consists of the in-house preaching and teaching activities of the church, aimed to equip believers to grow in their relationship to God and with one another.




These programs of preaching and teaching are tailored to:

(1) Educate new believers about their relationship to God and to one another; and

(2) Help maturing believers to advance to higher levels of spirituality and maturity through advanced teaching and training that will help them discover and use their spiritual gifts.

Key among the programs of this ministry are:

  1. Preaching at regular and special services
  2. Regular Sunday school classes for adults and children
  3. Regular weekly Bible study
  4. Scheduled classes to teach on church ordinances
  5. Teaching at the Church’s school of ministry

The ministry is coordinated by the Lead Pastor, with the assistance of the Co-Pastor. These activities are undertaken by the four Pastors, who God has given complementary gifts, and who are committed to harnessing and using these gifts to the glory of God and for the edification of the Saints at Abiding Love.